After the shows, I've been trying to talk to people as much as possible, and some of the same questions keep coming up, namely: when is the new record coming out? what's the next single? are you coming back to my city soon?
First priority has been to figure out our next single. It actually has not been decided as of yet. I would like to get your feedback on this issue; it seems like the top contenders have been "Control" and "Noticed." (By the way, it has recently come to my attention in some of these after-show talks that there is some confusion on what's already been a "single;" in spite of what you may find on the internet, technically all our songs off the debut album [minus "Typical"] are single contenders because none of our songs were ever officially released before "Typical." If songs popped up on radio here and there, asides from "Chaos," it had nothing to do with us and was during all of the lawsuit commotion. Any songs that blipped on any charts before "Typical" are inconsequential and should be disregarded). Therefore, check out the poll on the side column to vote between "Control" or "Noticed."
Regarding the second record, we should start recording after this tour, but our plans constantly change; so, who knows when we'll exactly be in the studio. We have a lot of under-developed ideas that we are excited about, and hopefully, soon they will go through the full song writing process.
As far as coming back to your city, it is highly likely that we will be back. This is our fourth or fifth time back to most of the cities on the this tour. I'm sure that theme will continue in the Mute Math book of life.
Remember to vote!

glad to hear that you've been trying to chat after the shows...hopefully i'll see you after austin.
I voted for Noticed. Although Control initially got me into MM I think Noticed would have more legs as a single. See ya in NYC!
Noticed is a good song, no doubt--Control is better though. It gets stuck in your head like a good single should. What about Osmosis Land? Is that in the running?
Wow, both songs are amazing...so hard to choose! I assumed "Noticed" was the next single because one of you boys mentioned it in the FUSE interview. Either way, both are very radio friendly and will do exceptionally well.
I can't wait for Thursday! It'll be my 7th concert! (6- Mute Math, 1- Earthsuit) :)
OH, and the show is sold out...thank you very much ;)
I've always appreciated that you try to talk to people.
As for a single, I personally love both songs. I am leaning towards Noticed, but either one would be a plus. I will have to give that some thought. I haven't voted yet, but I will.
I am definitely looking forward to the new record, whenever it comes out; and I am glad to hear you will likely be back. :) I may hold you to that. ;)
Hmmm... tough choice! I think I'll have to have a serious listen to each before I decide. It's tough because Control is just a different era of Mute Math to me compared to the newer stuff. It's all good though!
As for returning to cities, well, you haven't even made your way down to NZ yet! Pretty please, I'll make sure my country shows you a good time...
I find myself listening to Control more frequently than Noticed, and while I love both songs, I probably like Control better. However, with that being said, I think Noticed has more potential as a radio song. It seems like a good driving song, I can see people tapping the steering wheel and humming along while it plays on the radio. So in that case, I think my final vote goes to Noticed...
I voted for Control, I think the sound of the recording, the melodies, and chorus would be more memorable, which is probably what you would want more from a single. Bring in new folks into the fold and all that jazz.
Noticed is definitely a fan favorite though.
Didn't you know? MM sold out in record time at the Bonnaroo cd store. Everyone I met only had positive things to say when I mentioned you guys. Plus the naked guy chose YOUR stage to create a scene, that has to say something! Crazy. I'll never forget it.
Good stuff! I vote Control, but any song works! See you tonight in C-town!
When you came to Boston and started to play "Control," I screamed to my friend next to me, "THIS IS MY FAVORITE SONG!"
:) So, you can guess where my vote landed...
I also love "Notice." I'm pretty sure that's the one I love to sing harmony on... Great song. "Control" is just one of those songs that gets into your head and you don't want it to leave though, and it's quite different from "Typical," while still managing to sound like a MuteMath song. I'd go for "Control" first followed by "Noticed" not too long after that.
It's up to you though, of course.
I have been searching everywhere for a copy of "Voice In The Silence" but all I find are live youtube videos of it. I'd appreciate some help on this.
-David Acosta-
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